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Team: Meet the Team

Meet the ATeam...
Setting the Benchmark for Authority-Driven Research and Impactful Content

Collage of Alexy Pro Writing's research resources, showcasing prominent publications like SHRM, Ethisphere, McKinsey, The Economist, and Wall Street Journal, alongside management platforms of 2023, influential business books, authoritative advisory boards, leading business magazines, and insights from digital platforms and social media channels, all reflecting the depth and breadth of the firm's commitment to well-informed content.

Power Strategic Decisions, Uncover Competitive Advantage and Deliver Actionable Intelligence with Global News, Data and Insights.

McKinsey & Company

Business Jourals & Reports

Research Strategy

Advanced Analytics & Date Mining

Sales Funnel & Business Development

The A Team
Christine Alexy, Founder APWS

Hi, We Are the ATEAM

Tailored strategies & content that speaks to your brand's unique voice and vision.

Your Brand. Your Voice.
(Y)our Words.

Christine Alexy, Founder APWS
Keith Craig, Executive Editor
Jessica Rucci, Financial Copywriter

Our Team Philosophy and Approach

We deliver on target, on time, every time, because we consistently exercise common sense strategies. Feel free to read more... “Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written in his works.” — Virginia Woolf We also champion leadership development, workplace culture and corporate social responsibility, and share new techniques, solutions and approaches that cutting-edge technology offers. At the same time, we impart unique methods that help to support meaningful human connections and close collaboration in an ever-expanding virtual world. Team Alexy Leverages a Robust Professional Network Our content is chock-full of the most relevant, practical and operative business practices because we tap our network of national and international CEOs, leaders, authors, and other subject matter experts across thousands of industries. We have over 10,000 business contacts and connections from which we draw interviews that catch new voices and effective solutions from the employees in the trenches to the major stakeholders. These insights are key to businesses and to writing innovative content and compelling storytelling. Our interviews with SMEs provide fresh perspectives and anecdotal accounts that make our content unrivaled and make you, our client, the thought-leadership hero you really are. We Back Your Content with Authoritative Research Team Alexy draws from a comprehensive library of research databases, business communities and think tanks. Our research know-how, resources, and tools are thorough and extensive. We provide factual business statistics and data from exclusive sources. This means that your content is substantiated by notable research derived from authoritative sources—rather than biased dot-coms, buzz-mills or flighty newsfeeds. ​We provide the highest-quality, fact-based content because we have the writing expertise and access to thousands of licensed research databases, flagship magazines, peer-reviewed journals, and industry benchmarks and analytics, such as Dun & Bradstreet, Mergent Archives, Sage Business Researcher, and ProQuest. Alexy PWS is affiliated with many respected management magazines such as the Harvard Business Review and human resource associations like SHRM and CCHRA. Other insights are drawn and sourced from Pew Research, Gallop, Ethisphere, McLean & Company, and McKinsey’s Corporate and Business Functions Practice, with more than 500 global practitioners. Combined, these characteristics forge the cornerstone of our work’s relevancy, integrity and quality. And it attracts your intended audience. Our content is 100 percent original and authentic, and our research is backed by credible and impartial sources.

Client Testimonials

Team: Testimonials
Client Testimonials
CJ Gross: Client Testimonial Photo

                                        Christopher "CJ" Gross 

TEDx Speaker, Organizational Development Consultant, Coach and author of What's Your Zip Code Story? Understanding and Overcoming Class Bias in the Workplace

"You made my book, What’s Your Zip Code Story, a brilliant read and illuminated my words, experiences, and stories. Thank you for writing a winning proposal that helped me land a reputable publisher. I value our collaboration and the diligence, hard work, and long nights you put into edit, develop, and finish this book by the deadline." 

No matter what you do today or how you do it, your content must attract a targeted readership. It’s a bit of a miracle to have an audience full of followers who both like your content and purchase your products or services. Strategic content forges a brand and reputation. It’s the steady sortie in competitive battles. It drives engagement—and transactions.

​The content we develop for you leverages trusted sources, is tailored to your business objectives and highlights emerging trends and technologies. 

The A-Team has a passion for informing, educating and inspiring. We see ourselves as innovators and strategists who love helping people thrive and seeing the results of our work as brands and business owners gain industry momentum. 

"In the pursuit of excellence, every nuance matters; it's not about the final word, but the journey of creation and connection." 

by Christine Alexy

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